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Crack For Sprint Layout 6.0 61

Sprint Layout 6.0 61

Sprint Layout is a software tool used to design single-sided, double-sided, and even multilayer printed circuit boards (PCB). The software aims to better help with board design. With Sprint Layout, you can design your PCBs quickly and easily.


The latest version of Sprint Layout is 6.0, which was released in January 2016. This version has some new features and improvements over the previous versions. Some of the main features of Sprint Layout 6.0 are:

  • Anti-alias: The graphic representation of Sprint Layout is substantially improved by the use of the anti-alias technology.

  • Bigger resolution and accuracy: The resolution and the accuracy of Sprint Layout is increased tenfold. This concerns also the grid settings and the maximum zoom factor. So there is no problem to design very fine layout structures.

  • Extensive component library: Sprint Layout includes an extensive library with predefined components for SMD layouts. Moreover, you can draw and add your own components to the library.

  • Multilayer: Sprint Layout supports up to six copper layers and two silk screen layers.

  • Scanned copies: You can import scanned copies of your layouts or other images as background pictures. This can help you to repair or modify existing PCBs.

  • Import and Export of Gerber files: Sprint Layout can import and export Gerber files, which are the standard format for PCB manufacturing. You can also export Pick+Place files for automatic component placement.

  • HPGL Isolation milling: Sprint Layout can create HPGL files for isolation milling for owners of a CNC milling machine.

  • Design-Rule-Check: Sprint Layout can check your layout for errors and violations of design rules.

  • Point-To-Point Autorouter: Sprint Layout has a built-in autorouter that can help you route the tracks automatically.

  • Components list: Sprint Layout can generate a list of all components used in your layout, with their names, values, and positions.

Sprint Layout 6.0 61 is a patch that fixes some minor bugs and improves the stability of the software. It is recommended to update your Sprint Layout to this version if you have not done so already.

Sprint Layout is a user-friendly and affordable software that can help you design your PCBs with ease and efficiency. You can download a free demo version or buy the full version from the official website. You can also find many tutorials and reviews online that can help you learn how to use Sprint Layout effectively .


  • [Sprint-Layout - Download & Review - Softpedia]

  • [Sprint Layout 6.0 - ELECTRONIC-SOFTWARE-SHOP]

  • [Sprint Layout - The Ultimate Tutorial And Experience - WellPCB]

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