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Last Resort S01

Realizing they have been declared enemies of their own country, the Colorado seeks refuge on the island of Sainte Marina (a fictional French island located in the Indian Ocean) and commandeer a NATO communications and early missile warning facility. When a pair of B-1 bombers is sent to attack the submarine and island, Chaplin launches a Trident nuclear missile towards Washington, D.C. to impress upon the national leadership that he's serious.[4] The B-1s turn away at the last minute, but Chaplin (who has altered the missile's final target coordinates) allows the missile to visibly overfly Washington, D.C. and explode 200 miles (320 km) beyond in the open Atlantic, the explosion clearly visible from both Washington and New York City. Via a television feed to the media, he then declares a 200-mile exclusion zone around Sainte Marina.

Last Resort S01

E4: "The competition begins as the excitable youngsters arrive at Les Roches Blanches with sun, sea and... more on their minds. But before they've had chance to unpack their suitcases, Fred immediately sends the recruits off on a whistle-stop tour of the resort to introduce them to the mountain of jobs they'll be undertaking over the summer. After serving a gourmet meal to 30 VIPs, Fred's fledglings must throw an opulent birthday party, sourcing the food and drinks themselves in the local town. Twelve young Brits sampling luxury beverages in the sun on the French Riviera - what could possibly go wrong?"

E4: "The recruits are all at sea as Fred sends them aboard a superyacht to deliver a fine dining experience to a group of very discerning guests. It's a glorious Mediterranean adventure - or at least it's meant to be. But the last time the recruits served a three-course meal, on the first day of the competition, it was a complete disaster. So how will they cope with repeating the task on the waves of the Med? Fred's on deck keeping his eagle eye out to see who really deserves to stay in the competition - and who deserves to walk the plank..."

Realising that they've been declared enemies of their own country, the Colorado seeks refuge on the island of Sainte Marina (a fictional French island located in the Indian Ocean) and commandeers a NATO communications and missile warning facility. When a pair of B-1 bombers are sent to attack the submarine and island, Chaplin launches a Trident nuclear missile towards Washington, D.C. to impress upon the national leadership that he's serious. The B-1s turn away at the last minute, but Chaplin (who has altered the missile's final target coordinates) allows the missile to visibly overfly Washington, D.C. and explode 200 miles beyond in the open Atlantic, the explosion clearly visible from both Washington and New York City. Via a television feed to the media, he then declares a 200-mile exclusion zone around Sainte Marina.

Anne Marie: Are you sure you can do this?John: If there's anything I've learned in the last 48 hour it's that this demon needs me alive.Anne Marie: And if you're wrong?John: Well then I'll go out riding the world's greatest high; my first love at my side. There are worse ways to meet your maker eh?

  • Robotnik pretends to retire, and lures Sonic and Tails into a phony vacation resort, laden with booby-traps set by Scratch and Grounder. But Sonic takes the bungee jumping, hang gliding, and skydiving in stride, and gives bashes to the bots. This episode provides examples of: The Cameo: A yellow version of Davy Sprocket from Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine appears early in this episode as one of the robots attacking the city of Popadopolis.

  • Chekhov's Volcano: Guido sends Sonic and Tails into one, but they manage to escape from it.

  • Falsely Reformed Villain: Robotnik announces that he is going to retire from villainy to take care of his mother. This is all part of his plan to trick Sonic into retiring so that he can lure him into a phony vacation resort laden with his booby-traps.

  • A Gift for Themselves: Robotnik presents a gold watch as a "retirement" gift "to Dr. Robotnik, from Dr. Robotnik".

  • Jaw Drop: Sonic and Tails do this when they find Robotnik acting friendly towards them when they arrive at his fortress.

  • Mouth Cam: An extreme close-up of Robotnik's mouth is shown when he talks to Sonic and Tails about how he allegedly now pours tea for his guests.

  • Mythology Gag: The submarine that Scratch and Grounder pilot resembles the Jaws enemy from Sonic 1, and they also try to attack Sonic with the Chopper enemies from the same game.

  • Piranha Problem: Scratch and Grounder send a school of Choppers to attack Sonic and Tails, but Sonic quickly tames them.

  • Properly Paranoid: When Robotnik retires and Mayor Fumfer rewards Sonic with a vacation resort, Sonic suspects that Robotnik might still be up to his old tricks, and he's absolutely right.

  • Robotic Reveal: After Sonic and Tails leave for their vacation on a jet ski, Mayor Fumfer reveals that he is a robot working for Robotnik as part of Robotnik's plan to destroy Sonic.

  • Guido, the tour guide for Sanpelagroso, is also revealed to be a robot working for Robotnik after he sends Sonic and Tails white-water kayaking.

  • Split-Screen Phone Call: During his phone call with Mayor Fumfer, Robotnik parodies this trope in a way that has to be seen to be believed.

  • Tempting Fate: When Sonic foils Robotnik's plan to destroy him in skydiving, he cuts the cords to Robotnik's parachute, causing Robotnik to fall. Below Robotnik, Guido says, "Where's Robotnik? He should be here by now with my pay-o!". Just then, Robotnik falls on him.

  • Victory Is Boring: When Robotnik claims to have retired, Sonic slowly goes crazy from a lack of evil plots to foil.

  • Wrong Parachute Gag: Robotnik sabotages Sonic and Tails' parachutes so that they won't open when they pull the ripcords, and items fly out of them instead.

  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: After Mayor Fumfer sends Sonic and Tails on their vacation, Robotnik fires him. Mayor Fumfer asks Robotnik why he's firing him, as he did his job perfectly. Robotnik tells him that because he did his job perfectly, he doesn't need him anymore.

"I had a love of submarine stories from early on. My father had books and books of subs in the South Pacific all over our library at home. I always love the submarine genre and some of those fantastic tension-filled sub films like The Hunt for Red October and Crimson Tide. And as I start to think about what a show could come about it, it would take in that sort of tension sub genre. I think more about what the modern day holistic missile submarine is, a realization that one of these submarines is such a powerful weaponry, piece of machinery that anyone who owns one really could plan a flag and say, hey, I am new small nuclear-armed first world nation. That was sort of the gem of the idea. Once you've sort of say, okay, that's the premise, then, you know, that's about the time that I came to Shawn and we said, can we make a show about this? And we started to come up with, okay, what - who would the principal characters be and what would the story by that would separate a machine like this and the people who command a machine like this from their homeland. And one of the things that was really important to us as we develop the show was the section at the middle of the pilot where the crew or the captain, I should say, questions the order he receives to fire because the last thing in the world he wanted to do was take a show about - a group of military people who've sworn an oath to sort of - to push that button when the time comes and then say, okay, well, in this day, it just didn't feel like it or they had a crisis of conscience. So we work very vigilantly to make sure that the plot points around that section would hold water be something where military people also would say, you know, what, I might question that order as well."

When the last two remaining Ninja are safe-guarded in a place no one would dare to look, the Sky Pirates discover their whereabouts and attack in search of the one who holds the power to unlock Azad's full potential.[2]

In the prison, Nya and Jay are thinking of what to use the last wish, yet they keep running into the same restrictions on wish-making. Jay starts talking of how he got all of them in this mess because of his feelings for Nya, but she interrupts him, having seen the spy from earlier. Following him to the tower's basement, the Robo-Butler finds a secret door to reveal the stranger. To their absolute shock, it's Zane, but a more rustic primitive version of him. Calling him Echo Zane, as he must have been a replacement Zane when Dr. Julien was in the tower, Jay and Nya joyfully reconsider their plan alongside their newest ally.

Meanwhile, Jay considers using the tea because of the possibility that they were found, but Nya points out they cannot keep running all the time. She even brings up his revealed future to prove that they will win against Nadakhan, as they are still together and alive, which gives Jay some hope. He then declares that if they are to make a stand, it would be at the tower itself, and so they and Echo Zane, whom they teach how to fight, set up defenses all around the keep. As they make their last preparations, Jay gives Nya the tea, explaining it is she that Nadakhan wants. She tells him she already figured that, but she also tells him how she felt about having been judged by everyone else and not being given the choice to decide for herself, hence her recent frustrations. This prompts Jay to ask what she really wanted, and she replies with choosing her own destiny and laments about wanting the djinn's chase to be over too. Suddenly, Jay has the best idea for his third wish: if he wished Nadakhan was a mortal human instead of a djinn, he would never get his infinite wishes or use his powers anymore. This would also mean that if Jay can wish for that here, he would be stuck in the lighthouse just like Dr. Julian once was. Their excitement is cut short when Echo Zane arrives, saying the pirates had arrived. 041b061a72

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